I became chief editor of "Photosynthesis Research" after Prof. Rene Marcelle left that position. I have written an article in "Photosynthetica" long ago about "Photosynthesis Research" with a photo of Dr. Marcelle in it. I can send it if the family would send me an e-mail. I would like the family (or friends) to give me a text on his academic career etc so that we can publish a paragraph or two on him in Photosynthesis Research with his photo.
Govindjee Govindjee- 18/02/2016
Eh ! Borain. Picards tous les deux. l'exil en Wallonie liègeoise nous rapprochait.
Le coeur sur la main tel était René. En 1986, j'habitais à Saint Vith.
En visite à Liège, j'avais enfermé mes clefs dans ma voiture.
René, mon sauveur, m'a conduit chez moi pour y cherche mon double de clefs.
2 fois 80 km et 3 - 4 heures de présence d'un homme généreux, sans façon.
Quand nos in irons, nos in irons tertous (ter)
Francis CAUDRON- 21/12/2011