Monsieur Robin William RATCHFORD
![Photo 681741](/Donnees/Deces/000/000/681/741/Thumb2-Photo120646.jpg) | ![MMC](/Donnees/EPF/000/000/002/540/Logo.png) Domiciliado en Ixelles (1050, Bélgica) Nacido en « Localité inconnue » (Bélgica) el lunes, 13 de enero de 1964 Fallecido en Ixelles (1050, Bélgica) el miércoles, 25 de agosto de 2021 a la edad de 57 años
Espace condoléances
Este espacio de pésames se creó el sábado, 28 de agosto de 2021.
4056 visites
13 mensajes (7 no publicados)
This time of the year is again a moment to remember Robin. For years we did not have intensive contacts but we did exchange our best wishes. And occasionally saw each other during the great parties Robin would organise in Brussels. Robin and I met each other when studying at Columbia University, both going for the MIA. Since then our contacts have been on and of, including on the great travels he did and the interesting work he did with the Commission, charadterised by a oot of foresight on certain issues. Working myself for the EU, there was a lot to discuss. My wife and I will remember Robin as an example of living your life to the full while caring for the great good. Robin lives in our thoughts.
Gaston Moonen- 25/12/2022
Robin Ratchford durfte ich in meiner Zeit als Beauftragte des Europanetzwerk Deutsch am Brüsseler Goethe-Institut in verschiedenen Seminaren kennen lernen – als klugen, interessierten Menschen und Gesprächspartner. Unterwegs war er, nicht nur „im Dienste von Europa“ - oft auf ungewöhnlichen Pfaden zu ungewöhnlichen Zielen in den Iran, in den Irak, nach Nordkorea, wagemutig – mit neugierigem Blick „hinter die Kulissen“ und immer auf der Suche nach den Menschen. Robins Erfahrungen, seine Erzählungen bedeuteten immer eine Bereicherung, sie machten uns oft auch nachdenklich und neugierig.
Ganz besonders berührt mich seine Menschlichkeit und sympathische Ausstrahlung, wenn ich an ihn denke.
Margit-Christina PFAENDER- 02/09/2021
Dearest Robin
I can't believe it's a year since we lost you. There's hardly a day I don't remember something from our travels - they were such fun. One of the best new year's I've ever had is standing on the rim of the volcano, bubbling lava sloshing below, having (painfully) arrived by camel, drinking fizz, dressed up (encouraged by you), despite having to sleep in a 'sheep pen' as you described it. So many other things - your wonderful hosting, the Brussels beers, the London beers, the rendezvous cities with the other 'Uzbeks', the Blekpul tower outing. You continue to be greatly missed, and very fondly remembered.
Kate Whitaker- 26/08/2022
for robin
ciao robin
looking sharp today
yes sorry
we have to write a press release
yes it’s urgent
yes I know
they’re always urgent
no the benefits
what are the benefits
are there any benefits
we have to explain
the benefits
yes the porte-parole is waiting for it
le porte-parole
the carrier of words
excuse me a moment
oui on est en train de le faire
oui ça marche
je te rappelle dans cinq minutes
so what else can we talk about
no clearly and simply
will small businesses
export more
will prices
come down
excuse me a moment
klar es ist fast fertig
ich rufe dich in ein paar minuten
not too formal
yes we’d better say something about
and civil society
the more civil
the better
maybe we can tighten up
the last paragraph
yes that’s good
that’s perfect
great job everybody
right I’ll check with the cabinet
and we are done
it’s a pity we had to take out
my sentence
about tea
you were never just a carrier of words
you played with them
shuffled them
tossed them in the air
and laid them out
in precise cascades
there were still
frontiers to cross
to write
your keyboard
your fountain pen
requiescas in pace
ciao robin
you looked sharp
every day
august 2021
service du porte-parole, official commission spokesperson
yes we are just finishing it
don’t worry
yes that works for me
I’ll call you back in five minutes
right it’s almost finished
I’ll call you back in a few minutes
cabinet = the team which supports the commissioner
latin, may you rest in peace
in the subjunctive mood because of may and in the 2nd person you
the more usual form is requiescat in pace in the 3rd person, may he rest in peace
I think Robin would have liked that subtle linguistic difference which very few people would notice
Please excuse me. I was away last week and I was not able to include this with the tributes from colleagues. Sorry also I could not format it. Let me know if you would like the formatted version.
With my deepest condolences,
niall matthews- 06/09/2021
Robin was a great mentor for me in the Commission and the first person I met in DG Trade as a fresh-faced young intern. I'm from Altrincham, and knowing that he was from the same area made me feel a career in the EU was possible. Always kind and courteous and a true gentleman, he was never afraid to ask awkward questions about whether what we were doing would be understandable to normal people. He was also an inspiration in the constant thirst for knowledge, specifically languages.
I will miss his languid and dry humour, his sharp sense of style, and hearing about his constant battles with some of the dodgier establishments that had popped up around his beautiful house, which I regret I never had the chance to visit.
Christopher Ruff- 31/08/2021
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