| Monsieur Cyril MEUNIER Dear Cyril, our families met in wonderful circumstances, at creche Clovis, where your daughter, Sacha, and our son, Jaguar, spent their formative years together. Then they attended Laeken school together too. Your friendship with Rubens flourished because of your love of music. Since, we shared some nice times at parties together and saw how important music is to you. All of us were impressed by how quickly you picked up the guitar and attended some of your concerts - really wonderful times. Rubens and you have followed each other on FB and been friends since. We are wishing your family all the best for the future and will hopefully see Sacha and Viktoria soon, and certainly invite them to play with our children. May you rest in peace, knowing that your wife and child have good friends who will look out for them. Love Rubens, Zudella, Marqueiza, Jaguar, Tiger and Tiffany-Rose. "Nos proches ne meurent jamais".